Thursday, October 5, 2017

Thursday, October 5, 2017

It was a surprisingly beautiful day.  We had fog early, but it lifted and it was too late for us to go to the Rockies after that.  We'll go tomorrow, as they lifted the rain for this area.  I guess I should say, we'll see what it's like in the morning. So, I got on the geo-cache site for Loveland and found two nice bike trails.  They actually adjoin each other and we did close to 10 miles on the bikes and found 15 caches.  These people out here really have a lot of bike/walking trails and it shows that they are very health conscious.  We also found one very close to us, and we can bike to it from our campground.  We didn't get home in time for me to make my chili, so we walked a block to Old Chicago and had a wonderful pizza.  We are  hoping we can go to the Rockies tomorrow, as they had signs on the road the other day, stating that weekend traffic is very heavy.  Wow, can it get any heavier than this?  We want to do a hike and check for the Big Horn Sheep again.  Then we're done with the Rockies.

River's Edge Natural Area is the name of the park that we biked and geo-cached in, and it was just wonderful. Most of the trails were paved and they were working on others that were a packed stone, but still very nice.  They don't charge for riding a bike here, in fact, Wisconsin is the only state that we found that, charges an annual fee to ride your bike on the bike path. 

The natural area that we biked, was on the southwest corner of Loveland, and you could see the white capped mountains of the Rockies from there.  I loved this crisscross fence along the bike trail.  There were many large ponds and at one section, we even followed a fast flowing stream.  It was very enjoyable. 


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