Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday, October 16, 2017

We had a nice stay in Trinidad State Park, and found out from our 'neighbor camper', who is from the area, that southern Colorado is very depressed.  We asked him about our experience in Trinidad, when we geo-cached, and he said there are a lot of homeless people, drugs and crime.  He said the same holds true for Walsenberg, and Pueblo, all towns we came through after we left Colorado Springs.  So, we are glad we stayed at the state park, as that was very nice.  We left this morning, after packing up, and had a beautiful drive south.  We were actually, in the High Plains!  We rose to 7800 feet elevation crossing the Raton Pass, and stayed between 6,000 and 7,000 feet until we started descending into Santa Rosa.  We saw the grazing cattle on the High Plains area, then we went through an area with lots of cedar trees and signs to watch for elk.  Then we were back to the plains area again.  In one section by the Raton Pass, the low shrubs just glistened in the sunlight with hues of bright gold, and rusty red's, and it was just gorgeous.  We saw lots of Pronghorn Antelope again, but I am not going to take a picture of them until I can get up close and personal!  We still have time!  We will stay in Santa Rosa, NM two nights and geo-cache tomorrow.  We have found some interesting places to visit, through caching, so it will be fun to get familiar with this little town that we have always just passed through.  We are in the mid-70's now and breezy.  That's warm enough! 

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