Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday, October 22, 2017

We skipped yesterday, as we didn't do much of anything, except watch the Badgers play and win!  We also watched part of Penn St. and MI.  Not that yesterday wasn't an important day, that we didn't do our blog entry, as it was a very important day.  It was our third daughter, Judy and her husband Philip's, 22nd wedding anniversary.  We did extend our good wishes to them and hope they had a great day!  Today we watched the Packers and they did okay, considering Aaron Rodgers is out for a long spell.  They didn't win, but they will get better.  After the game, we decided to get the geo-caches near us and it's good to get them off our slate.  They must be put out there by a 'cowboy', as they were all connected to a bullet.  He had some interesting titles to his caches, and they all pertained to 'shots'.  For instance, 'Long Shot', 'A Shot Heard Around the World', Double Shot, etc.   Pretty clever, really.  The log sheet was hidden in an empty gun shell case and most were dry, which amazed us.  The bad thing about today, is that my GPS quit on me.  Jim has tried everything to get it to work again, so we will have to call Garmin in the morning, and hope they have a quick fix for me. Now that I have mastered using a GPS, I dislike having to follow Jim to the cache :-/

They have what they call, the pony trail down here.  They have painted horses at different places of business.  Much like, Dane Co., where we used to live, had cows painted to pertain to their business.  This one was pretty clever, as it has apples painted on the rear end, and it's called, Apple-oosa. 

I noticed this very cute 'arch over the driveway' at one home.  It is three dogs chasing a javelina!  We don't see javelina's very often, but we have seen them occasionally, on our hikes.  They look like a wild pig, but they are actually in the rat family!  They cluster in packs, and can be dangerous, when cornered.  We were hiking a couple of years ago with about ten people, and we stopped to catch our breath, and when we stopped, we counted 24 javelinas, running on a trail across the way from us!  That's the way we like to see them run.....away from us!  

We did eat at Si Senors Mexican Restaurant the other night, and it was very good.  We both had chicken enchiladas, with rice and refried beans.  It was recommended by our campground hosts.
We had a cool down today.  It was in the low 70's today. 


1 comment:

  1. Mom, you always have blazed your own trail!! Hope your GPS gets fixed!!
